23 Marvelous Movies: Captain America: The First Avenger

The summer of 2011 saw the releases of four major superhero movies: Green Lantern, X-Men: First Class, Thor, and Captain America: The First Avenger. The former was DC's first crack at establishing a cinematic universe for themselves, but it came massively short. The latter three Marvel branded films, however, solidified that company's progressing dominance of this new stage of the genre. Thor and Captain America especially were noteworthy for continuing the Marvel Cinematic Universe's winning streak, proof that audiences were becoming more and more welcoming of these larger than life characters in their own standalone stories before seeing them together in one flick.

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23 Marvelous Movies: Thor

Thor came out in a time when audiences were starting to accept the fact that a certain group of Marvel heroes could exist in the same cinematic universe. Iron Man and Hulk were two characters that fit neatly in the science-fiction genre, albeit the former being somewhat more practical than the latter, so the idea of them teaming up wasn’t that big of a stretch to moviegoers. But there was another hero on the horizon, one that belonged in the fantasy genre in a way few other Marvel heroes did, so much so that his creators weren’t Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, or Jack Kirby, but the Norsemen of centuries past: Thor. It didn’t help that Marvel’s depiction of the god of thunder was extremely goofy, with all the insane worlds he visits via a rainbow bridge while donning his flying helmet.

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