We take mental health and emotional well-being seriously here at RPC. Thus, we created the Mental Health Checkup podcast!
Welcome to the latest episode of the Mental Health Checkup, wherein Captain Kaye, Neoplasmic, and the Streamin’ Demon are joined by BioShocker for the first time as they reminisce about past responsibilities and current opportunities! While 2022 has been a stressful year for many reasons, our crew still looks ahead to the future and finds the silver lining in the storm cloud of this life. Remember, if you’re ever dealing with difficulties, you are never alone. That’s the main message we want to send with this podcast.
Tonight on the Mental Health Check Up, Captain Kaye, Neoplasmic, The Director, and The Streamin Demon reflect on why it's so important to accept who we are and be thankful for those who have shaped us!
On the latest check up, Neoplasmic returns with Captain Kaye and OrganoidZero to catch up one what's been going on in their lives.
On the momentous occasion of this latest Mental Health podcast, we gathered the original core team of Jacob, Mike, Josh, Kristal, and Keona to discuss emotional and mental well-being, persevering through one of the most difficult years in recent history, and we bid farewell to our editor in chief in the notes, though he’ll be posting a few more episodes before he completely leaves. Hit the link for more!
Nick, Mike, and Keona discuss the allegations of abuse which have been brought against rocker Marilyn Manson by actress Evan Rachel Wood and many others, and whether it’s possible to separate art from the artist. We also touch upon the Joss Whedon controversy, and the many accusations he’s faced in the past and in the wake of filming the theatrical cut of Justice League. This is a different episode for us, and it includes details of sexual abuse and domestic violence. We hope the episode informs you and encourages you to research the topics for yourselves. Thank you for listening.
Loss and grief are difficult emotions to process and live through, but they can also lead to change. Neoplasmic shares a personal story about how he coped with the ending of a relationship and how it led him to redefine himself, and how it prepared him to launch this website with his friends. TW: suicidal thoughts and depression are discussed.
This episode of the Mental Health Checkup is brought to you by... the FUTURE! Well, more specifically, our upcoming 1-year anniversary! In early March, Renegade Pop Culture turns one year old, and we talk about our plans for the website and podcast’s birthday! We also chat about the elephant in the room, as Mike, Jacob, Keona, and new co-host Amanda discuss what happened at our nation's Capitol last Wednesday. It was a rough week, with many mixed emotions and mental stresses, but the team keeps things positive and looks forward to a brighter future! Smash that link for more!
Join Mike, Jacob, and special guest hosts Evan DeGraff and Calu for a look back at election week 2020, which was a truly stressful time for us all. Luckily, the right people came out on top, and we had a pretty kickass N7 Day to boot! Saturday was a good day. Anyway, enjoy the show, and please be aware that none of us are political science experts. We just love sharing our perspective with our audience.
Welcome to the second episode of our Mental Health Checkup series here on the RPC Podcast Network! This episode was a bit different from the first one, in that we kept the format a bit looser and the discussion turned into more of a Free For All venting session, but the core message was still there: Whatever it is you’re dealing with, especially during these unprecedented and strange times, even though the path is dark and confusing… things will get better. The dawn will come again. Life, to paraphrase Dr. Ian Malcolm, will find a way. I know that may sound trite, especially for those going through the most horrible of circumstances, but just know that you can make it through, and as you’re struggling, you’ll always have the RPC crew cheering you on!
Welcome, friends, to a more experimental podcast for us here at Renegade Pop Culture. Instead of our usual Free For All discussion, we decided to chat about our personal struggles in life, particularly when it comes to our mental and emotional health during this quarantine. We know this is an unusual topic for a popular culture website, but Mike, Kristal, Jacob, Josh, and Keona wanted to let you know that you are not alone, especially if you’re dealing with dark times in your life.
Let’s talk about the biological elephant in the room: COVID-19. Otherwise known as the Coronavirus.
Bad management, weird moments in customer service, and... a North Korean missile threat? Oh, yes, you've stepped into... the Retail Zone! Listen as Mike, Nick, and Keona regale you with tales of their sordid former lives in retail and customer service on the latest edition of the Mental Health Checkup! We also briefly discuss the ongoing WGA writers strike taking place in Hollywood. Please enjoy the episode!