Looking Forward to a Brighter Future! - Mental Health Checkup #4
This episode of the Mental Health Checkup is brought to you by... the FUTURE! Well, more specifically, our upcoming 1-year anniversary! In early March, Renegade Pop Culture turns one year old, and we talk about our plans for the website and podcast’s birthday! We also chat about the elephant in the room, as Mike, Jacob, Keona, and new co-host Amanda discuss what happened at our nation's Capitol last Wednesday. It was a rough week, with many mixed emotions and mental stresses, but the team keeps things positive and looks forward to a brighter future! Smash that play button!
Content warning: Politics are discussed, and we're an unapologetically left-of-center bunch, so please be mindful of that fact if hearing a different viewpoint or opinion upsets you. Thanks!
So, guys, I’m going to let the podcast speak for itself this week and not bore you with too many notes. Suffice it to say that last week was the pits. There’s a phrase you don’t hear much these days, but it’s true. Personally, what I saw on TV felt like something out of a speculative fiction or dystopian sci-fi novel. Now, look, I understand disagreeing with policies and not being able to stand politicians, but it’s one thing to protest and yet another to violently clash with Capitol police and storm a building. I think we all need to step back and ask ourselves what the hell happened to us as a society, and to work at bringing about change through empathy and peaceful methods. Just my two cents, of course, and I’m no expert.
We chat a bit about Cyberpunk 2077 in this episode, and will be covering it in the Arcade relaunch!
But thankfully, that day is behind us and we can look forward to better things, I hope. I know we cover the future of the website and podcast a lot in this episode, so I won’t go into detail here, but I do know we have big plans for our upcoming one year anniversary celebration and we’re definitely going to evolve as 2021 progresses. Thank you again for your support and for taking time out to listen to us! I hope you continue to stick with us!
See you in a few days with the latest episode of Renegade Animation! Be safe out there, wear a mask, and be kind to each other, Renegades!
- Neoplasmic
Welcome to the latest episode of the Mental Health Checkup, wherein Captain Kaye, Neoplasmic, and the Streamin’ Demon are joined by BioShocker for the first time as they reminisce about past responsibilities and current opportunities! While 2022 has been a stressful year for many reasons, our crew still looks ahead to the future and finds the silver lining in the storm cloud of this life. Remember, if you’re ever dealing with difficulties, you are never alone. That’s the main message we want to send with this podcast.