Orbit Culture: Why We Love This Band, Episode 7 - Renegade Jukebox #50
Why We Love This Band returns with a new episode, this time on metal’s next huge band. And deservingly so. Nick has been pressing Mike to do an Orbit Culture episode for Jukebox for a long time. The 4 piece from Sweden making some of the best melodic death metal of the last decade has been getting bigger and bigger. Take a listen and find out why you should be on the hype train for Orbit Culture!
Samples Used: Avenged Sevenfold – We Love You Orbit Culture – Red Fog Orbit Culture – North Star Of Nija Orbit Culture – Strangler Orbit Culture – Alienated Orbit Culture – While We Serve Orbit Culture - Descent
What’s going on, everyone? This is your Captain speaking, alongside my co-host, the Super Saiyan Death Metal God! We are both excited to share this episode, because Orbit Culture is a band that deserves all of the attention that they’ve been getting lately. If you’re into bands like Metallica, Arch Enemy, or Meshuggah, then you need to seek out this band immediately. And if that wasn’t enough to convince you, then please tune into the podcast to hear the full discussion!