Fresh Takes: Gurren Lagann Episode 3
Tonight, on a very special THIRD episode of Fresh Takes, they get to… well… episode 3 of Brock’s favorite anime series, Gurren Lagann, and our beloved Captain Kaye finally gets to meet our first main villain: Viral! Enjoy the video, and don’t forget to visit their Youtube channel and send them some appreciation! And don’t forget to subscribe!

On the next Fresh Takes, Captain Kaye, OrganoidZero, and Misao look at Episode 15 of Akame Ga Kill, Kill the Religious Organization!
On the next Fresh Takes, Captain Kaye, OrganoidZero, and Misao look at Episode 14 of Akame Ga Kill, Kill the Colossal Danger Beast!
Tonight, on the next Fresh Takes, Captain Kaye, OrganoidZero, and Misao look at Episode 13 of Akame Ga Kill, Kill The Nuisances.
On the next Fresh Takes, Captain Kaye, Organoidzero, and Misao look at Episode 12 of Akame Ga Kill, Kill the Newcomers!
On the next Fresh Takes, Captain Kaye, Organoidzero, and Misao look at Episode 11 of Akame Ga Kill, Kill the Mad Scientist!
On the next Fresh Takes, Captain Kaye, OrganoidZero, and Misao look at Episode 9 of Akame Ga Kill, Kill the Temptation!
On the next Fresh Takes, Captain Kaye, Organoid Zero, and Misao look at episode 8 of Akame Ga Kill, Kill the Battle Fanatic!
On the next Marvel After The Credits, Captain Kaye and Organoid Zero look at Marvel’s Halloween Special, Werewolf By Night.
On the latest Marvel After The Credits, Captain Kaye and Organoid Zero look at the fourth wall-nuking season finale of She-Hulk: Attorney At Law, Whose Show is This?
Tonight on the next Fresh Takes, Captain Kaye, OrganoidZero, and Misao look at Episodes 16 and 17 of Akame Ga Kill, Kill The Puppets and Kill The Curse!