Fresh Takes: Gurren Lagann Episode 7
Welcome to another edition of Brock and Mike’s Fresh Takes on Gurrenn Lagann! This episode, never tell us the odds, as Kamiya and Simon pilot the Gurren Lagann against Viral’s support, who turns out to be one of the Four Divine Generals! Ah, anime. Can’t ever just be a general; always has to be a Divine one. Check out the video!
We’ll see you soon with the next episode of Fresh Takes! Until then, be safe, Renegades! And please continue to support Kevin Smets’ GoFundMe, as he continues to smash cancer! Thank you all!

On the latest Marvel After The Credits, Captain Kaye and Organoid Zero look at the fourth wall-nuking season finale of She-Hulk: Attorney At Law, Whose Show is This?
As we head into the penultimate episode of Gurren Lagann, Brock and Mike bring us another installment of Fresh Takes, in which they discuss and review the themes of the show! Things get weird as Simon, Lordgenome, Viral, Yoko, and the rest of Team Dai-Gurren search for Nia! Only the leader of the Anti-Spiral forces stands in their way! Will they get to Nia in time to save her life? Let’s find out!
As the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren sinks into a vast “space-ocean,” Anti-Spiral forces attempt to push it down even further into the depths of the sea. Faced with overwhelming odds, Kittan and Yoko decide to go out one last time to save the ship, while Simon and Viral attempt to power up its engines for transformation. It’s one last gasp for Team Dai-Gurren, and Brock and Mike are here to discuss it in the latest Fresh Takes!
In honor of the beginning of Passover, Mike is joined by Brock to discuss a movie that is close to his heart: Dreamworks’ animated classic, The Prince of Egypt. Excellent animation, endearing characters, and well-written musical numbers combine to make the movie a memorable viewing experience, and the film has aged remarkably well since its release in 1998. Enjoy the discussion!
Brock and Mike return to discuss episode 24 of one of the greatest anime series ever, Gurren Lagann, as Simon and Team Dai-Gurren teleport through space attempting to find Nia and the Anti-Spiral homeworld. Little do they know what awaits them in the darkness of space…
On the next Marvel After The Credits, Captain Kaye and Organoid Zero look at Marvel’s Halloween Special, Werewolf By Night.